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Language School

The UManresa Language Service aims to facilitate the improvement of language skills, providing students with an educational programme which enables them to learn or improve languages, with a high commitment to quality.

Espai Aloy - Centre de Documentació en Literatura Infantil i Juvenil

El Centre de Documentació en Literatura Infantil i Juvenil compta amb un fons de més de 8.000 volums de novel·la, contes, teatre i poesia per a infants i joves en llengua catalana.

Careers Service

The mission of the UManresa Careers Service is to provide students and former students with the set of tools necessary to put their professional career on the right track and enhance talent with the aim of increasing their employability in the labour market.

CISARC - Centre for Innovation in Simulation

CISARC uses a solid methodological base together with state-of-the-art technological equipment to leverage simulation as a learning and team training tool.

The recreation of complex scenarios allows different types of professionals to be put in situations very similar to those they have to face in their daily lives. This allows errors and/or malfunctions to be detected, learned from and corrected appropriately.

University Clinic

The University Clinic (CU+) is a 3,500m2 building, which integrates healthcare activities and the practical teaching facilities of the Faculty of Healthcare Sciences of the Manresa campus of the UVic-UCC.

The CU+ has a highly qualified multidisciplinary team comprised of podiatrists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, nutritionists, doctors and nurses. It provides the general public with healthcare services.

FUB Publishing House

The Bages University Foundation produces publications concerning its areas of expertise: Healthcare Sciences, Education and Business Management.

UShop - Botiga online

UShop, UManresa's online store, allows you to purchase books published by Edicions FUB and also all the institution's merchandise. Depending on the product, you can choose to have it delivered to your home or pick it up at the FUB1 building's Point.

Serveis Lingüístics

La tasca dels Serveis Lingüístics és donar resposta eficaç a les necessitats de la comunitat universitària en tots els aspectes relacionats amb les llengües. Els seus objectius principals són fomentar la diversitat lingüística, el multilingüisme i el poliglotisme i, alhora, avançar cap a l'ús normal del català com a llengua pròpia de la universitat.

Contact us

If you have any questions we will be pleased to answer them
