
Erasmus+ is the EU programme which provides support to education, training, youth and sport. The Fundació Universitària del Bages (FUB) has been awarded the Erasmus+ Charter (ECHE) for the period of 2021-2027, which allows participation in various actions of the programme. While the Learning Mobility of Individuals (KA1) actions will continue to be carried out under the charge of the UVic-UCC, the Charter allows the FUB to participate in other Erasmus+ actions more closely linked with projects, research and teaching innovation. These actions are those of Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices (KA2) and Support for Policy Reform (KA3).
Certificate Award Letter Erasmus Policy Statement Declaración de Política Erasmus
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International Relations Office
T. (+34) 93 877 41 79
Research and Innovation Unit
T. (+34) 93 877 41 79
Profesional Campus UManresa
T. (+34) 93 875 73 88