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Bàner UEducació

UEducation integrates all teaching, service and support activities for professionals in the educational field. It represents a determined commitment by UManresa to concentrate and generate knowledge in educational matters, transfer this knowledge to professionals and then transform it into programmes that have an impact on society. All of its activities are concentrated in the FUB4 - UEducation building, which boasts facilities specially designed to host training, research and educational services.


Official degree programmes

UManresa offers both a bachelor’s degree as well as a vocational training diploma (CFGS) in Early Childhood Education. Both the university degree and vocational training course pay special attention to the development of people capable of approaching scientific phenomena at an early age with the necessary spirit of inquiry and reflection.

Early Childhood Education Degree

Vocational training diploma in Early Childhood Education


Estudiant del grau en Mestre d'Educació Infantil fent pràctiques a l'Escola Sant Ignasi de Manresa




Dominica Díez i Rosa Vila durant el diàleg de l'Àgora 2022

UManresa's Centre for Innovation and Training in Education (CIFE) is responsible for providing permanent training for teachers and other education professionals in the central regions of Catalonia. Its programmes are addressed at teachers working in the different educational stages (childhood, primary, secondary, sixth form and vocational training). It also provides a personalised consultancy service for primary and secondary schools and organises events with an educational focus.


Postgraduate programmes

Specialisation training programmes

Summer School


Resources for teachers

Working groups

Àgora 2022


Educational services

UManresa directly manages different educational services which are open to the general public. The aim of these is to make the knowledge and innovation that is generated in research groups and that is taught in classrooms accessible to everyone.

Lab 0-6

The Lab 0-6 is a discovery, research and documentation centre for science education at early ages. It fosters the interest in science based on solving challenges by personal initiative, making decisions intentionally and enjoying positive scientific learning experiences. It supports the initial training of early childhood education teachers and the permanent training of active teachers, as well as developing innovative experiences with all teachers which can be carried out in schools. In the field of educational research, it promotes research projects on science teaching at early ages.

Lab 0-6 website


Escola bressol Upetita

The Upetita is a nursery school managed by the Early Childhood Education studies of UManresa. Its educational programme puts the pedagogical innovation taught in UManresa university classrooms into practice. It comprises a learning area where decisions are made based on evidence demonstrated by educational research and in-depth knowledge of the children and their families.

Upetita nursery school webiste


Josep Maria Aloy Documentation Center for Children's and Youth Literature

The FUB4-UEducation Building hosts more than 8,000 publications which Josep Maria Aloy collected throughout his career as a critic of children's and young adult literature. It includes different titles belonging to the genre, as well as articles and correspondence and is the most important collection of stories and novels for children and young adults in Catalonia.

Josep Maria Aloy Documentation Center

Lab 0-6


La llar d'infants Upetita ha iniciat l'activitat


Network relationships

UEducation collaborates with different companies and institutions to give maximum visibility and projection to its research, transfer, promotion and dissemination activities in the educational field.


Logo Departament d'Educació

Department of Education

The Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia collaborates closely in the lines of work of the Lab 0_6 focused on educational research and teacher training.

ICL Iberia

ICL Iberia sponsors the activity of disseminating information concerning the Lab 0_6’s early childhood science programme.


Logo Fibracat TV

Fibracat TV

Lab 0_6 and Fibracat TV jointly produce a television series on making science popular for early childhood.



Les alumnes promotores de l'Operació Everest

La comunitat d’UManresa supera amb escreix l’operació Everest en benefici de La Marató per investigar sobre les malalties respiratòries

12.175.702 passes són les que han acumulat els membres de la comunitat d’UManresa en 10 dies. La xifra supera amb escreix l’objectiu de l’Operació Everest, una iniciativa impulsada per un grup d’estudiants del Grau en Mestre d’Educació Infantil per


Àngels Fusté al congrés Inclusion in Action de la Universitat de Cork

UManresa presenta una experiència d’inclusió d’alumnes amb discapacitat intel·lectual en aules de grau universitari en un congrés a Irlanda

L’experiència Universi+ Plus, que ha permès incorporar alumnes amb discapacitat intel·lectual a grups de treball del grau en Mestre d’Educació Infantil, ha estat una de les aportacions del campus Manresa de la Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central


Infants jungant amb una de les propostes de l'onzena edició de la Fira d'Experimentació per a infants d'UManresa

La Fira d’Experimentació per a infants de 0 a 6 anys d’UManresa obre les inscripcions

L’edifici FUB4 d’UManresa acollirà el proper dissabte, 14 de desembre, una  nova edició de la Fira d’Experimentació per a infants de 0 a 6 anys. Serà la tretzena edició d’aquest esdeveniment, que des de l’any 2022 se celebra la FUB4, l’edifici que


Lliurament del premi Josep Maria Aloy de Narrativa Jove 2024

El Premi Josep Maria Aloy de Narrativa Jove reconeix el talent literari de Júlia Bernadet Peña

Aquest divendres, la vicerectora del campus Manresa de la UVic-UCC, Sílvia Mas, va lliurar el Premi Josep Maria Aloy de Narrativa Jove a Júlia Bernadet Peña, pel seu relat titulat “Èrica”. El lliurament del premi es va fer en el marc de la gala dels

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